Daughter of Ul'Dah

Tatani Tani

|| Free Paladin | Red Mage | Scion |Courtesan | Wife | Mother ||


Tatani Tani

Age: 30
Nameday: 9th Sun of the 1st Umbral Moon
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Height: 6 fulm even
Occupation: Red Mage, Manager of Drakenbane Forge The Black Ivy
Relationship: Happily Married
Hobbies: Weaving; Reading; Baking; Sparring, and Exploring
Tatani was born in the sultanate of Ul'Dah to a prominent monetarist family and moved to a small home just outside of Forgotten Springs when she was but a babe in arms.
Her mother worked tirelessly to raise Tatani and her sister while her father traveled as an Ul'Dahn merchant.Her father lost during the Seventh Umbral Calamity, Tatani soon turned her sights towards Ul'Dah and the glory (and gil) that could be earned on the bloodsands of the Coliseum.It didn't take her long to find that the meaning she sought was lacking in the glory she found herself soon surrounded by. Thus, she set off for parts unknown looking for her happiness and her future.----------------------------
Tani currently resides in the Emperyum in Ishgard with her spouse, Fjolnir Drakenbane and their seven children;
Amaya and Willow, two twin Viera girls that while adopted are no less Tatani's daughters.Noma, a recently orphaned and adopted Au'ri child of the Steppe.Yuyubachi and Kokomoto, Tatani's two eldest twin sons.Utani Tani Drakenbane, one summer old and her first natural born daughter.Owain Drakenbane, Tatani and Fjolnir's most recently born son.Tatani is a very happy - and fiercely protective - mother.----------------------------Tatani is vivacious and friendly; eager to help and protect her friends and even make new ones. These days she can be found working at Black Ivy club, running errands around Ishgard, and overall helping those in need - especially in the Brume.

Out of Character info

Open to in-game/Discord RP. Walk-ups very welcome!RP tag = in-characterOkay with most themes, but please discuss anything major beforehand.Tatani is bisexual and polyamorous. Still, please send a tell to ask if you are at all unsure or feel it may be best to check about the scene you wish to have.ERP is alright but ASK. FIRST.

Hooks Include:

Ishgard and Ul'Dah in general but in specific:Tatani used to be a rising star on the Bloodsands before she left to go Adventuring. If your character followed the Bloodsands in the last few years, they're likely to at least vaguely recognize her.Tatani also has a more-than-passing interest in Sharlayan Astrology, as her tertiary pursuit is Astrologian.Tatani may be seen these days passing food and supplies out to those struggling in the Brume, or taking part in any number of errands around Ishgard proper. Tani also helps run her husband's forge, taking orders and working out contracts.These days, Tatani can also be found in Tuliyolal or down in Wachunpelo doing a bit of local shopping.



As my desire for RPing was born of the wish at the end of Endwalker for the Warrior of Light's happy ending, Tatani is irrevocably tied to being the Warrior of Light. This means that MSQ is THE greatest hook for her...If you're okay with her being the Warrior of Light.Tatani will never bring this up on her own - she never asked to be the WoL and does it so people do not die. She is trying to find her place outside of that part of herself but if your rp can handle her as WoL and you are stuck for a hook.... gestures wildly at MSQ

WARNINGThe pictures you see past this point will be of an adult nature. They will feature adult pictures of a lalafellin character. Do note that Tatani
is an adult
and is seen and treated as such in rp.
By proceeding forward, you are agreeing that you are not offended by depictions of adult nudity. Harassment over nsfw depictions of Tatani will not be tolerated and will be met with blocks/harassment reports.To go back to the main carrd, please click the back button. To continue on, please hit the forward button.

Seriously guys, I'm sorry I have to stress this so much but fr, Tatani is 30 years old with S E V E N(!!!) kids. She is an adult. Short adults exist!! She isn't an effing child FFS get that crap outta here.